Survey: Ontario’s Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy

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We are reviewing the 2020–2025 Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy to evaluate its effectiveness and consider changes that would improve how the government combats human trafficking and supports victims and survivors. Learn more about the review.

All questions are optional. You can answer as many questions as you like and submit the survey whenever you are finished.

This survey should take approximately 20 minutes to fully complete.

Part A: Our strategy’s four pillars

Pillar 1: Raise awareness of the issue

Tell us how well our Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy raises awareness of human trafficking among frontline workers, children, youth and the general public.

Pillar 2: Protect victims and intervene early

Tell us if our strategy is effectively protecting victims and intervening early with children and youth.

Pillar 3: Support survivors

Tell us how well our strategy helps support survivors to heal and rebuild their lives.

Pillar 4: Hold offenders accountable

Tell us how well our strategy holds offenders accountable through law enforcement and the justice system.

Part B: Trends, gaps and challenges

Since the launch of the strategy in 2020, the landscape of human trafficking in Ontario has changed and continues to evolve.

Share your thoughts about:

  • current and evolving challenges
  • additional areas of focus in combating trafficking
  • the Strategy’s responsiveness to the changing nature of human trafficking
  • any other issues that you believe Ontario should consider as part of the review